Woodbridge Dance Company

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Woodbridge Dance Company
Woodbridge Dance Company
Woodbridge Dance Company

Woodbridge Dance Company

Who We Are

Woodbridge Dance Company’s mission is to provide the community with quality performances, while giving young dancers the experience of performing and gifted choreographers the means to create artistically.

Founded in 2003 by Artistic Director, Lucetta Furr, with the vision of bringing choreographers together in presenting innovative, contemporary performance, entertaining today’s generation and taking dance students to the next level by giving them a platform to perform, in a professional environment.

WDC address the needs of emerging and professional choreographers to work in Prince William County and provides a place and a structure in which to enrich talented dancers. Ms. Lucetta seeks other professional artists as well, from the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, with various backgrounds. Collaborations with musicians, vocalists, songwriters, and other artists brings sensational diverse works to the stage year after year.

What We Do

Workshops are held thought out the year for dancers ages 10 to professional adult.

Workshops transpose into three annual performances: Winter, Spring and Summer.

Company Dancers also provided community performances at various events, throughout the year.

WDC presents entertaining performances for an audience of all ages at an affordable cost.

Who We Serve

WDC draws seven to fifteen professional artists from the metropolitan area to join in its performances. Fifty to eighty dancers, ages 10 to adults, from the Virginia region will join workshops and performances.

WDC effectively blends theatrical ballets, contemporary and urban styles of dance to draw diverse dancers and patrons from Prince William County and beyond.