Kathi Tyrell

Kathi Tyrell has lived in Prince William County for 41 years. While working for the Prince William County Office of Housing, she helped write, direct, and host “Housing Chatter”, a cable television program on the COMC AST network.

In Spring of 2015, Kathi was cast to play in the Castaway’s production of “Hello Dolly as Mrs. Rose. She also performed as part of the ensemble in dance and singing routines.

In the Fall of 2015,   Kathi was Stage Manager for the Castaway’s production of “Play On”

In Spring of 2016,   Kathi auditioned and was cast in the Castaways’ production as a “Pick-a-little Lady” in the musical the “Music Man”. Kathi also performed singing and dancing routines as part of the ensemble.

In the Fall of 2016, Kathi   performed at the Prince William County Arts Alive event at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, as a member of the cast of the Castaways production of “The Music Man.” She also served as Stage Manager for the Castaways production of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and Prop Mistress for their Winter production of “Vanya, Sonia, Masha and Spike”.

In the Fall of 2017 Kathi was featured as Martha in the Castaway’s production “Arsenic and Old Lace”.

Kathi has been a member of the Castaways Steering Committee for 4 years and currently is a member on the board of the Prince William County Arts Council.